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                        The Black Hole Accretion Code                        

This page: [Introduction] [General] [Discretization and AMR] [Parameters] [Source] [IO and postprocessing]

Introduction for New Users

Basic information on the project and heritage.
Getting Started
How to install BHAC and run your first test problem.


Command line
Help on command-line parameters.
The equations and parameters in the existing AMRVACPHYS modules. How to create a new AMRVACPHYS module.
How to create new "amrvacusr.t" and "amrvacusrpar.t" files for special initial conditions, boundary types, and source terms, etc.

Discretization and AMR related matter

Using polar/cylindrical/spherical coordinates
Some information on simulations using non-Cartesian grids, and notes on axial versus translational symmetry.
AMR aspects
Some essential info on global parameters and the data structures for the block-tree AMR.


Parameters for BHAC
Description of the "amrvac.par" parameter file for BHAC.
Auxiliary variables for BHAC
Description of the intended use for nw, nwflux, nwaux, nwextra, nwauxio parameters.

Source Code

Description of the dimension independent source language, which is translated to F90 by the VACPP preprocessor.
Variable Names
How variable names are formed in the source files.
Making and running the VACPP preprocessor itself.

IO and postprocessing

File formats
Description of the .log file and the BHAC data file formats .dat and .hdf5.
How to output hypersurfaces (slices) for restart or visualization.
Line of sight views
How to output collapsed views for visualisation and analysis (e.g. column densities)
Analysis routine
Using the run-time analysis routine
Shell output
How to output data interpolated onto spherical shells (e.g. for analyzing a Cartesian run)
Converting data files for visualization
Brief notes on how to convert output for postprocessing
Postprocessing tools